1. Online store  Cost Calculation  "Multipage" Module  Price display for a step (page/sheet)

Now, if you use manual entry of a print run and the "Tabular calculation" pricing method, the price for an additional page(s)/sheet(s) will be displayed in the multi-page product calculator on the website. Using this tool, you can, for example, show the price per page spread in a photo album;

2. Online store  Online Photo Editor  Checking uploaded images for CMYK / RGB color space

In the Online Photo Editor, you can set up an image check for a color space, such as CMYK or RGB. In Settings  Integrations  Layout Check  Check Rules select the color space which is more convenient and easier for you to work with and options for your actions in case you have to use a different color space when uploading an image: "Accept", "Block", "Notify", "Correct". When choosing the "Correct" option, the system converts the uploaded image to the color space specified as a true value.